Healing Gifts #poetry

Photo Credit: Pixabay

For Sue

The opened body becomes the vessel

of healer and also receiver

I find her in the Seer’s Circle

cloaked in the feathers of owl, anointing

those who come to give also receive

in her beloved place of heather and stone

time and space unfold into the opening

I feel the press of her lips between the brow


Seven days brings us back to her circle

to witness the winged soul ever-giving

feathers of bird become the butterfly

“Look closely,” she tells me. “See.”

I watch membranes divide

into notes. Hear the music of cells

holding the song that is life

Enraptured until form turns slug-like

and I question the pull back to density

reluctant to notice what is soft is also strong

vulnerable, yeilding

the snail enters the body’s chariot

A tiny spiral opens

into infinity

and suddenly we are in the place of stars. Vast


the serpent pulls us into its arbor

to understand rebirth

above a farmer’s field

density becomes a head of stone

fixed as though immobile

“Each is a piece of Her. A brain’s repository.”

I nod, understanding distance to be a ruse and watch

wisdom circle the mound in the body of the serpent

collapsing time’s hold while the clock splits open

rising sinuous into the darkness

the serpent swallows the sun, transforming

into dragon. Now winged

returning to seed the waiting womb below

light splits the body’s veins

finding the path once again

The Memories of Stone #writephoto #memory

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent

Some say the giants are still here

Their memories held inside the stones

They watch the movement of time

and grimace at our indifference

Some weep for lack of care

Borrowing water from the sky

Our eyes see inert bodies

ravaged by weather and not

the chiseling hand. Yet the eye watches

waiting for the few who wish to spiral inward to stir

memories beyond dimension. The giants seek

the seekers and wait. Feeling the press of footsteps

blindly walking. The push of restless bodies

Listening to “Hurry up.” “Let’s move on”…

to the next best thing. Whatever that is.

They watch. Eyes following too slowly to be caught

Lids, never blinking. Legs tucked into the land

who knows their breath. Their hearts,

held in Her hands pulse the music of the land

She, who never forgets her children

moves love through tired veins to spiral the waiting eye

Forever looking for the one who will stop

and remember.

For Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt, #memory 

#Still #writephoto

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent


The body, subject to the mind,

reaches for more, grabbing at an illusion

never realized. It seeks to be sustained by want

collecting treasures to adorn it.

False garments of the self dim the light inside.

The body, subject to the heart,

becomes a vessel of love.

Its hands, stilled from grasping,

hold only peace, and its face

reflects the light of the sun

free to move through its skin

igniting the world around it

like a beacon of hope


For Sue Vincent’s weekly #writephoto prompt, #still


#Daybreak #writephoto

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent

Peace arrives upon the horizon of stillness

and the slow letting go fades into the night

We are creatures of the moon and the sun

howling through the winds and the rain

lashing at fears often unfound

we seek the light as though it were

illusive. Stretching our filaments in surrender

the body breaks open to become the sky

The mind, woven in wonder gives way

to the passage. And the voice, that howling

gnashing voice screeching to be heard

becomes the wind. And you

and I, we become the one

crimson wrapping gold

and everything in between

our ocean of light softly surging

and collapsing into the fold

we rock to the music of stars

and find that we were never



For Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt #Daybreak

Winter Calling #Calling #writephoto

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent

Strength reigns through the barren land

of naked limbs exposed to time

Without adornment horns lift the true

self and eyes peer through darkness

to find life in stillness. What would be frozen

softly beats the heart’s calling

stirring the fire inside that never dies

it waits with patience for the touch

of green renewal to shake the cold

world back to life



For Sue Vincent’s weekly #writephoto challenge. Interestingly, as I sat down to write about her photo, I glanced over at my teacup and noticed I had also chosen a stag/ reindeer for the morning. 



#Murmur #WritePhoto #Poetry

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent


I am the murmur in your heart

One thousand wings flutter you

awake. I am the golden kiss opening

your lips. My breath reaching inward

searching your darkness with light. I am

the sun, but also the moon. Night dancing

inside of you breaking dawn

into filaments of truth

witnessing the glory

of you rising to meet



Inspired by Sue Vincent’s weekly photo prompt. If you would like to participate, please click here.


Frozen #WritePhoto #lovepoetry

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent


In the midst of a world that appears frozen

follow the purple path within

Know that beyond the shadows holding darkness

there is always a source of light

reflecting truth. Waiting to melt the way

as it softens the heart that would stay cold

Indifference is the face of fear grown tired

Used to the battered landscape, the eyes refuse to see

the false hold. And so we remain frozen together

in stasis, an inert body wanting to be held

until the fever burns once again

into love


For Sue Vincent’s weekly #WritePhoto prompt. Click here to participate



The Vast Unbroken #Span #WritePhoto #yogapoetry

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent

You travel swiftly in this river

called life. Rushing over rocks

pulling your weight around sharp

corners, creating the froth

of exertion. Yet

your span is infinite

in stillness and

when the flow becomes

a harmony to the rhythm

within. One vast body

boundless. A life without

edges, blending all matter

soothes the sides of resistance

with the awakened pulse

it is both the bridge

and the current

For Sue Vincent’s weekly #WritePhoto prompt #Span.



The Hummingbird’s Visit #YogaPoetry #poetry

While sitting on the porch this afternoon, I had a visit from the resident hummingbird and found myself pulled into the stillness of the present to bear witness to life. While it is all too  easy to try to take over life in our hurry to live it, sometimes it is worthwhile to allow it to take over us. If even for just a few moments.


Sometimes it is enough

to watch the circle of life

and listen to the rise and fall of its notes

How the sky screams the hawk’s warning

before a spirit lifts from the body of a chipmunk

to rejoin the infinite expanse

Hidden in the green, the house cat

skulks as though it were in Africa

The dimensions of size and place lost

to the memories of cells

In the stillness of the moment

tense is erased by the rhythm

of the breath’s own steady rise and fall

inviting the heart to find

the harmony of the dance