16 thoughts on “Grief

    1. Thank you, my friend. I knew it would be hard, but I suppose one can never be prepared. Yes, my heart. When she passed I felt her presence there immediately. It was so strong and filled with love. The kids did too, it was quite beautiful. She’s everywhere and nowhere and that knowing brings out the extremes of emotions in me. ❤


  1. alienorajt

    Oh, Alethea, I am so sorry to hear of Daisy’s passing; you have expressed the grief feelings so beautifully. My heart goes out to you. xxx


      1. alienorajt

        No, it is a road with many twists and turns and sudden blind spots and ups and downs, but it leads to somewhere new. xxx


      1. Running Elk

        No need to apologise… it is a genuinely beautiful piece that allows the reader to share that space with you for a moment… Thank you for letting us in. 🙂 xxx


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