Full Moon Poem #fullmoon #moonpoetry

Image by Bessi from Pixabay

To expound upon beauty

Uniquely yours to release

Dive out of the covers

And breathe fresh

Life yours to define

Mold ripe potential

Defining the turn of lines

Washing the edges with color

Until you forget work

In favor of creation

There is no need to rise

Above or below

But inward

The extraordinary is spiral

You, reaching to discover

The ecstatic dance of joy

In your own rhythm

The steps lighten

Opening the beauty of you


Lest You Doubt Who You Are…#poetry #yogapoetry #esotericpoetry

I have been missing Sue, I’m sure I always will. Some days the pull to feel her presence is stronger than others. The other day, a friend of mine asked if I had reached out to her across the veil. Deliberately parting the veil is not something I do often these days. I have grown weary of the numinous and perhaps a bit distrustful. So many conspiracies and lunacies are now attached to the spiritual communities, yet there are aspects of home that cannot be denied when one steps into the space of silence. I’d like to think I heard her voice, again, in these words who are not just for me, but for anyone who doubts who they are. I share them here with visuals from the wonderful photographers on Pexels, open to individual interpretation…

You are evergreen boughs seeking water

You are a child gliding on a silver kite into the wind, breathless in wonder

Photo by Ammar Ahmed from Pexels

You are hope letting go of despair

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

The wild window of wonder beckoning us back to life

Photo by Mohan Reddy from Pexels

You are beautiful in the essence of self

Photo by Mohan Reddy from Pexels

You are one thousand moments waiting to occur

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

The slipstream in the current pulling into infinite possibilities

Photo by Emiliano Arano from Pexels

You are life. Precious and uniquely yours to define.

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

What I saw this morning #poetry #griefpoetry #grief #loss #death

Photo Cedit: Pixabay

I saw you in the moors today

your hair wild like milkweed

blown free with she who waits

standing in the valley between

The wind, beckoning a caress

two faces turned upward in joy

Water, cleaving the breasts of the goddess

your feet streaming the memory of stars

The renewal of spring lapping the hillside

like a newborn lamb, and you standing

beside her remembering it all

hands clasped in reunion

opening the womb. The body

becoming formless, ripe, orange

walls pulsing the mother-beat

winged emergence breaking

through stone. Guardians

fortifying the chamber vibrating

your song as you become the light

of rainbows, again. Isis

enfolding and opening

lifts the veil to the path of stars

spiraling to welcome the dragon

descending, running the water


Healing Gifts #poetry

Photo Credit: Pixabay

For Sue

The opened body becomes the vessel

of healer and also receiver

I find her in the Seer’s Circle

cloaked in the feathers of owl, anointing

those who come to give also receive

in her beloved place of heather and stone

time and space unfold into the opening

I feel the press of her lips between the brow


Seven days brings us back to her circle

to witness the winged soul ever-giving

feathers of bird become the butterfly

“Look closely,” she tells me. “See.”

I watch membranes divide

into notes. Hear the music of cells

holding the song that is life

Enraptured until form turns slug-like

and I question the pull back to density

reluctant to notice what is soft is also strong

vulnerable, yeilding

the snail enters the body’s chariot

A tiny spiral opens

into infinity

and suddenly we are in the place of stars. Vast


the serpent pulls us into its arbor

to understand rebirth

above a farmer’s field

density becomes a head of stone

fixed as though immobile

“Each is a piece of Her. A brain’s repository.”

I nod, understanding distance to be a ruse and watch

wisdom circle the mound in the body of the serpent

collapsing time’s hold while the clock splits open

rising sinuous into the darkness

the serpent swallows the sun, transforming

into dragon. Now winged

returning to seed the waiting womb below

light splits the body’s veins

finding the path once again

#Soar #writephoto

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent


I dreamt of the voice shuttered

tight against the storm. Words

held behind the clouded window, urgent

We are here!

Blue feathers lined in black resting

in sunlit trees. Impossibly large

No, they cannot be mine

I doubted the possible

stroking the membrane of the quill

so many gathered stories filling

the space beneath, calling

through the echo of time

wondering why the throat

is like a storm cloud waiting to break

the sun. Wondering why

space needs to be confined while the bird

of truth lies in wait

for permission to soar

Once again, I had a feeling that Sue’s photo would echo my dreams. For Sue’s #writephoto writing prompt,#Soar.

Imagining A World Made New #poetry #poems #spiritualpoetry


I’m trying to imagine a world made new

this riptide of dis(ease) softening into rebirth as seven

billion people grow golden filaments

around the darkness of our womb. At night

I claw dirt back into Her body

to hear the heartbeat wrapped inside

release the tired shoulders, She whispers, you

who have learned to wear blades

as you seek to stretch beyond the chrysalis

breathe whole

arms, ready to release

the heavy weight of fight

trap the body collecting pain

without permission. You wounded

warriors of the light

stamp identity upon the heart

pressing the false hold into a battle cry

lodged inside a forgotten throat

Sing truth to open the portal to the heart

and allow the soul

to shout victory

darkness is a demon

only if left unexplored. Let the cry loose

Let it soar through the shadowland inside

until it ignites the joy that is life. Real

life. Release those golden threads and weave

the memory of unity


#Together #writephoto

Photo  Credit: Sue Vincent


At the edge of land day releases

back to the sea to be reborn

Oh, to be one tiny grain tumbling into endless re-

union, pulled effortlessly back into the tide

waiting to let go. To feel a full surrender

of trust knowing unity awaits

the pure ecstatic rush of release

Oh, to be birthed, over and over

by love as day collapses into night

For Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt #together 

The Global Heart #poetry

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I cannot help thinking of the heart

and life’s breath held in separation

A viral wrap, searching for community

opening the return of the forgotten

goddess. She peers green eyes of the forest

through locks of fire. An earthen trunk

rooted to the life lines. Horns tuned

to the stars, bridging the divide

How everyone is feeling

the broken as fear’s seize spreads dis-

ease. Time, collapsing and morphing

twisting minutes too surreal to be real

Too real to be false. Lies breaking the voice

gasping for air through constricted lungs

while she breathes her return, softly beckoning

from the shadows. Can you see me now?

she asks. The key is held in your heart

and all

The Memories of Stone #writephoto #memory

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent

Some say the giants are still here

Their memories held inside the stones

They watch the movement of time

and grimace at our indifference

Some weep for lack of care

Borrowing water from the sky

Our eyes see inert bodies

ravaged by weather and not

the chiseling hand. Yet the eye watches

waiting for the few who wish to spiral inward to stir

memories beyond dimension. The giants seek

the seekers and wait. Feeling the press of footsteps

blindly walking. The push of restless bodies

Listening to “Hurry up.” “Let’s move on”…

to the next best thing. Whatever that is.

They watch. Eyes following too slowly to be caught

Lids, never blinking. Legs tucked into the land

who knows their breath. Their hearts,

held in Her hands pulse the music of the land

She, who never forgets her children

moves love through tired veins to spiral the waiting eye

Forever looking for the one who will stop

and remember.

For Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt, #memory 

#Still #writephoto

Photo Credit: Sue Vincent


The body, subject to the mind,

reaches for more, grabbing at an illusion

never realized. It seeks to be sustained by want

collecting treasures to adorn it.

False garments of the self dim the light inside.

The body, subject to the heart,

becomes a vessel of love.

Its hands, stilled from grasping,

hold only peace, and its face

reflects the light of the sun

free to move through its skin

igniting the world around it

like a beacon of hope


For Sue Vincent’s weekly #writephoto prompt, #still